ঢাকা ০৮:১৮ অপরাহ্ন, মঙ্গলবার, ০৪ মার্চ ২০২৫
সংবাদ শিরোনাম ::
প্রবাসীদের দেড় কোটি টাকা নিয়ে লাপাত্তা মঠবাড়িয়ার দুই প্রতারক ঠাকুরগাঁওয়ে টিসিবি’র পণ্যে হাসিনা সরকারের স্লোগান দায়িত্বে অবহেলার অভিযোগ জেলা খাদ্য নিয়ন্ত্রকের বিরুদ্ধে রমজানে প্রকাশ্যে খাবার খাওয়ায় ২০ জন মুসলিমকে গ্রেপ্তার করেছে নাইজেরিয়ান পুলিশ পুলিশ লাইনে গোপন বন্দিশালার খোঁজ মিলেছে: গুম কমিশন মিয়ানমারে বন্দী ৫০০ পাকিস্তানি, চালানো হচ্ছে ব্যাপক নির্যাতন আ.লীগের বিচার না হওয়া পর্যন্ত নির্বাচন হবে না : সারজিস মতিঝিল উত্তর থানা জামায়াত কর্তৃক সেহরি ও ইফতার ফুড প্যাকেট উপহার প্রদান জামায়াতে ইসলামী শহীদ ও আহত-পঙ্গুত্ব বরণকারীদের জাতীয় সম্পদ হিসেবে মূল্যায়ন করে – ডা. শফিকুর রহমান ৩ বছর পর পরাজিত ইউপি চেয়ারম্যানের শপথ গ্রহণ নিখোঁজ আনোয়ার হোসেন শিকদার কে ফিরে পেতে সংবাদ সম্মেলন

Hong Kong Arts Centre “Via North Point” Open Call for Creative Community Space Proposals

সময়ের কন্ঠ ডেস্ক :
  • আপডেট টাইম : ০৫:১২:৫৯ পূর্বাহ্ন, মঙ্গলবার, ২৬ জানুয়ারী ২০২১
  • / ২৮৭ ৫০০০.০ বার পাঠক

Calling all creative talents in town! Be An Imagineer!


HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach – 26 January 2021 – Have you ever thought about transforming your ideas into an art installation in urban community spaces? Here comes the chance! Organized by the Hong Kong Arts Centre (“HKAC”) and funded by Urban Renewal Fund, “Via North Point”, a public art and community initiative that carries the mission of urban revitalization would like to hear from you. Its Call for Creative Community Space Proposals (“Open Call”) welcomes talents from all walks of life — along with artists, creatives and architects — to submit your proposal to breathe new life into the public spaces!



After months of collection of opinionspractical experience and accumulation of knowledge in diversified activities, such as “Your SAY!”, “Community Wanderer — Guided Tour Design and Training Workshop “, and “Urban Design Lab Online Exhibition”, it is time to materialize the ideas into reality for the unique “Via North Point” project.



The Open Call aims to stimulate greater social interaction through public participation, and local creative talents as individuals, a company or a team are welcome to submit their proposals. Selected proposals will be commissioned and showcased in the month-long Finale Festival in September 2021. Envision a new life for the urban spaces. Take action and “Be an Imagineer” NOW!


Open Call for Creative Community Space Proposals
Submission Period From now until 18:00 (Hong Kong time), 22 February 2021 (Monday)
Target Participants Creative talents, artists, architects, academic organizations or individuals forming new collectives are all welcome
General Design Considerations for Creative Work ●      Offer multiple ways for users to interact with and stimulate greater social interaction

●      Explore the multipurpose uses of public spaces and respond creatively to the neighborhood needs

●      Enhance community vitality and spatial experience

For details please see: www.via-northpoint.hk/opencall/


Designated locations:

●      Sitting-out Area across Chun Yeung Street and Tong Shui Road

●      Pavilion at North Point Promenade


Other suggested locations*:

●      Ground area under HF61 footbridge

●      Junction area between North Point Road and Java Road

●      North Point Public Pier

●      Tong Shui Road Garden

●      Junction area between Tong Shui Road and North Point Estate Lane

●      Kam Ping Street


* Not limited to other suggested locations within the outlined area

Submission Method For details, please find the attachment of design brief and visit the website of Via North Point at www.via-northpoint.hk/opencall/

Email : [email protected].

Selection Process 20 eligible submissions (maximum) will be shortlisted by the HKAC and reviewed by the Selection Panel for public voting
Important Dates ●      Deadline for proposal submission:

18:00, 22 February 2021 (Hong Kong time)

●      Notification of results of shortlisted participants:

Early March 2021

●      Review of Shortlisted Proposals by the Selection Panel:

Mid-March, 2021

●      Result Announcement:

Late-March, 2021

●      Installation and setup of the commissioned creative work:

April — August 2021

●      Creative works open to public at Finale Festival:

September 2021


HKAC is planning to launch “North Point Meet & Greet — A day of life in the neighbourhood” discussion session in this coming Friday (January 29, 2021) so as to facilitate direct communication between potential applicants and different stakeholders in North Point. This may help creative talents to come up with proposals in response to the users with different lifestyles in the community. General public are welcome to join. Details are as follows:


North Point Meet & Greet — A day of life in the neighbourhood  on 29 January, 2021
Date 29 January 2021 (Friday)
Time 13:00 to 14:00
Format Zoom




Via North Point Weekend in February

In spite of the continual outbreak of coronavirus, the first 【Via North Point Weekend】 was successfully held in December 2020, along with a series of activities, including online community tour and online workshops. In February, 【Via North Point Weekend】 will continue to fill up your weekends with more diverse activities. Details and registration to be announced on Facebook and Instagram of “Via North Point” soon — Stay Tuned!

*Programmes and events are subject to change without prior notice.

Arrangements are subject to the latest announcement by HKAC. For more details, 

আরো খবর.......

নিউজটি শেয়ার করুন

আপলোডকারীর তথ্য

Hong Kong Arts Centre “Via North Point” Open Call for Creative Community Space Proposals

আপডেট টাইম : ০৫:১২:৫৯ পূর্বাহ্ন, মঙ্গলবার, ২৬ জানুয়ারী ২০২১

Calling all creative talents in town! Be An Imagineer!


HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach – 26 January 2021 – Have you ever thought about transforming your ideas into an art installation in urban community spaces? Here comes the chance! Organized by the Hong Kong Arts Centre (“HKAC”) and funded by Urban Renewal Fund, “Via North Point”, a public art and community initiative that carries the mission of urban revitalization would like to hear from you. Its Call for Creative Community Space Proposals (“Open Call”) welcomes talents from all walks of life — along with artists, creatives and architects — to submit your proposal to breathe new life into the public spaces!



After months of collection of opinionspractical experience and accumulation of knowledge in diversified activities, such as “Your SAY!”, “Community Wanderer — Guided Tour Design and Training Workshop “, and “Urban Design Lab Online Exhibition”, it is time to materialize the ideas into reality for the unique “Via North Point” project.



The Open Call aims to stimulate greater social interaction through public participation, and local creative talents as individuals, a company or a team are welcome to submit their proposals. Selected proposals will be commissioned and showcased in the month-long Finale Festival in September 2021. Envision a new life for the urban spaces. Take action and “Be an Imagineer” NOW!


Open Call for Creative Community Space Proposals
Submission Period From now until 18:00 (Hong Kong time), 22 February 2021 (Monday)
Target Participants Creative talents, artists, architects, academic organizations or individuals forming new collectives are all welcome
General Design Considerations for Creative Work ●      Offer multiple ways for users to interact with and stimulate greater social interaction

●      Explore the multipurpose uses of public spaces and respond creatively to the neighborhood needs

●      Enhance community vitality and spatial experience

For details please see: www.via-northpoint.hk/opencall/


Designated locations:

●      Sitting-out Area across Chun Yeung Street and Tong Shui Road

●      Pavilion at North Point Promenade


Other suggested locations*:

●      Ground area under HF61 footbridge

●      Junction area between North Point Road and Java Road

●      North Point Public Pier

●      Tong Shui Road Garden

●      Junction area between Tong Shui Road and North Point Estate Lane

●      Kam Ping Street


* Not limited to other suggested locations within the outlined area

Submission Method For details, please find the attachment of design brief and visit the website of Via North Point at www.via-northpoint.hk/opencall/

Email : [email protected].

Selection Process 20 eligible submissions (maximum) will be shortlisted by the HKAC and reviewed by the Selection Panel for public voting
Important Dates ●      Deadline for proposal submission:

18:00, 22 February 2021 (Hong Kong time)

●      Notification of results of shortlisted participants:

Early March 2021

●      Review of Shortlisted Proposals by the Selection Panel:

Mid-March, 2021

●      Result Announcement:

Late-March, 2021

●      Installation and setup of the commissioned creative work:

April — August 2021

●      Creative works open to public at Finale Festival:

September 2021


HKAC is planning to launch “North Point Meet & Greet — A day of life in the neighbourhood” discussion session in this coming Friday (January 29, 2021) so as to facilitate direct communication between potential applicants and different stakeholders in North Point. This may help creative talents to come up with proposals in response to the users with different lifestyles in the community. General public are welcome to join. Details are as follows:


North Point Meet & Greet — A day of life in the neighbourhood  on 29 January, 2021
Date 29 January 2021 (Friday)
Time 13:00 to 14:00
Format Zoom




Via North Point Weekend in February

In spite of the continual outbreak of coronavirus, the first 【Via North Point Weekend】 was successfully held in December 2020, along with a series of activities, including online community tour and online workshops. In February, 【Via North Point Weekend】 will continue to fill up your weekends with more diverse activities. Details and registration to be announced on Facebook and Instagram of “Via North Point” soon — Stay Tuned!

*Programmes and events are subject to change without prior notice.

Arrangements are subject to the latest announcement by HKAC. For more details,