ঢাকা ০৭:৩৭ পূর্বাহ্ন, বুধবার, ১৯ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫
সংবাদ শিরোনাম ::
অপারেশন ডেভিল হান্ট অভিযানে ২ যুম্ম সম্পাদক গ্রেফতার আওয়ামী লীগ নেতা আব্দুল জলিল এখনো বহাল তবিয়তে রাজধানীতে জামায়াতের বিক্ষোভ-সমাবেশ অবিলম্বে এটিএম আজহারকে মুক্তি না দিলে আমাদের আন্দোলন কোন ভাবেই বন্ধ হবে না -ডা. শফিকুর রহমান পার্বতীপুরে আওয়ামীলীগ নেতার মাস্তক বিচ্ছিন্ন মরদেহ উদ্ধার ঠাকুরগাঁওয়ে জামায়াতের বিক্ষোভ সমাবেশ ও মিছিল নান্দাইলে এক মাসের ব্যবধানে দুজনকে কোপাল সেই তানভির, পুলিশ বলছে খোঁজে পাচ্ছি না দীর্ঘদিন ধরে জমি বেদখল, বাড়ী ছাড়া নান্দাইলে নীরিহ পরিবারকে প্রাণ নাশের হুকমীর প্রতিবাদে সংবাদ সম্মেলন মোংলার কুমারখালীতে চাঁদার টাকা না দেওয়ায় বাড়ি ভাঙচুরের অভিযোগ গণঅভ্যুত্থানের শহীদেরা ‘জুলাই শহীদ’, আহতরা ‘জুলাই যোদ্ধা’ স্বীকৃতি পাবেন : মুক্তিযোদ্ধাবিষয়ক উপদেষ্টা গণঅভ্যুত্থানের শহীদেরা ‘জুলাই শহীদ’ এবং আহতরা ‘জুলাই যোদ্ধা’ নামে পরিচিতি পাবেন ২১ ফেব্রুয়ারি থেকে মেট্রোরেল সেবা বন্ধের হুমকি

Achiko AG: Achiko concludes Phase 1 study of Project Gumnuts for Covid-19 testing

সময়ের কন্ঠ ডেস্ক :
  • আপডেট টাইম : ০৫:০৭:৩৩ পূর্বাহ্ন, মঙ্গলবার, ২৬ জানুয়ারী ২০২১
  • / ২৯৯ ৫০০০.০ বার পাঠক



  • Completion of Phase 1 testing demonstrates 91% sensitivity and 85% specificity
  • Further optimisation studies are currently being performed and are expected to continue to improve results and match WHO standards
  • Next steps are completion of regulatory approvals and moving the technology to market as soon as possible


ZURICH, SWITZERLAND – EQS Newswire – 25 January 2020  Achiko AG (SWX:ACHI, ISIN CH0522213468) along with Regenacellx.sl, announces the completion of their Phase 1 study, for the group’s patent pending, nanoparticulate DNA aptamer conjugate and diagnostic testing technology, Project Gumnuts. Following a successful in vitro study conducted in 2020 by the University of Rovira, Tarragona, Spain, the current series of studies in Spain and Indonesia were conducted by ISGlobal (The Barcelona Institute for Global Health), and both Riau University and Madani Pekanbaru City District Hospital, respectively.


The study conducted in Barcelona involved translating the Rovira laboratory protocol into a clinical setting using the original prototype materials. A sample of 82 participants collected over 3 months and across a range of scenarios was compared and cross-referenced against positive and negative results obtained through RT-PCR. An initial manual read yielded a result of 80% sensitivity and 63% specificity. Subsequent application of software and machine learning yielded a result of 91% sensitivity and 85% specificity.


“We are encouraged by the progress of Project Gumnuts in the field”, said Dr Michael Edel of Regenacellx.sl and Inventor of Project Gumnuts. “The chemistry offers possible advantages over other approaches especially in the areas of consumer experience, stability and cost and we’re looking forward to the further development of the technology.”


The ongoing studies in Pekanbaru, Indonesia are being conducted with both the original prototype conjugate (Barcelona study) and additionally with a new conjugate with applied improvements. To date, over 250 patient tests have been compared with results obtained through nasopharyngeal swabs with 20 to 30 more being performed each week. Using prototyping materials, the Indonesian team has successfully replicated results from Spain in the field in Pekanbaru: test results from 64 participants initially yielded 82% sensitivity and 63% specificity rates. After conducting further testing using improved pre-production materials and further improvements in software and machine learning, sensitivity and specificity could be improved and testing time was reduced to under 15 minutes. The Company expects further gains to be made in ensuing months.


“We’re now moving quickly to get the technology into test kits and into and through approvals, and we believe that given the progress beyond the initial prototypes, we’ll be able to deliver test kits which pass the WHO guidelines for sensitivity and specificity”, said Steven Goh, CEO of Achiko AG. “We believe that as testing moves from point of care to point of need, the presence of the right testing technologies with the right consumer experience, available in large quantities and at the right price point, to customers at the right time, will contribute to successfully responding to and overcoming the impact of Covid-19 on society and do good in this world. That is what we’re here for.”


The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


About Achiko AG
We harness ground-breaking science with innovative technology to create solutions that provide a great user experience for patients, physicians and governing bodies alike, leading ultimately to the transformation of the healthcare industry.


The current development of our patent pending diagnostic testing kit for Covid-19 (Project Gumnuts) provides an easy and effective way that enables people to obtain the information they need and require. Complemented by our mobile check-in app (Teman Sehat), we empower users to manage their diagnostic experiences on their own terms, safeguard their privacy, share experiences, obtain passport verification and find community.


Achiko holds exclusive commercialisation rights to the technology underlying Project Gumnuts from Regenacellex.SL. It may be used to detect all types of Covid-19, but also many other pathogens. Achiko is looking forward to the completion of regulatory approval and getting the technology to market as quickly as possible, applying it in an array of test kits and other assay formats.


Headquartered in Zurich, we have offices in Hong Kong, Jakarta, Singapore and Seoul.

আরো খবর.......

নিউজটি শেয়ার করুন

আপলোডকারীর তথ্য

Achiko AG: Achiko concludes Phase 1 study of Project Gumnuts for Covid-19 testing

আপডেট টাইম : ০৫:০৭:৩৩ পূর্বাহ্ন, মঙ্গলবার, ২৬ জানুয়ারী ২০২১



  • Completion of Phase 1 testing demonstrates 91% sensitivity and 85% specificity
  • Further optimisation studies are currently being performed and are expected to continue to improve results and match WHO standards
  • Next steps are completion of regulatory approvals and moving the technology to market as soon as possible


ZURICH, SWITZERLAND – EQS Newswire – 25 January 2020  Achiko AG (SWX:ACHI, ISIN CH0522213468) along with Regenacellx.sl, announces the completion of their Phase 1 study, for the group’s patent pending, nanoparticulate DNA aptamer conjugate and diagnostic testing technology, Project Gumnuts. Following a successful in vitro study conducted in 2020 by the University of Rovira, Tarragona, Spain, the current series of studies in Spain and Indonesia were conducted by ISGlobal (The Barcelona Institute for Global Health), and both Riau University and Madani Pekanbaru City District Hospital, respectively.


The study conducted in Barcelona involved translating the Rovira laboratory protocol into a clinical setting using the original prototype materials. A sample of 82 participants collected over 3 months and across a range of scenarios was compared and cross-referenced against positive and negative results obtained through RT-PCR. An initial manual read yielded a result of 80% sensitivity and 63% specificity. Subsequent application of software and machine learning yielded a result of 91% sensitivity and 85% specificity.


“We are encouraged by the progress of Project Gumnuts in the field”, said Dr Michael Edel of Regenacellx.sl and Inventor of Project Gumnuts. “The chemistry offers possible advantages over other approaches especially in the areas of consumer experience, stability and cost and we’re looking forward to the further development of the technology.”


The ongoing studies in Pekanbaru, Indonesia are being conducted with both the original prototype conjugate (Barcelona study) and additionally with a new conjugate with applied improvements. To date, over 250 patient tests have been compared with results obtained through nasopharyngeal swabs with 20 to 30 more being performed each week. Using prototyping materials, the Indonesian team has successfully replicated results from Spain in the field in Pekanbaru: test results from 64 participants initially yielded 82% sensitivity and 63% specificity rates. After conducting further testing using improved pre-production materials and further improvements in software and machine learning, sensitivity and specificity could be improved and testing time was reduced to under 15 minutes. The Company expects further gains to be made in ensuing months.


“We’re now moving quickly to get the technology into test kits and into and through approvals, and we believe that given the progress beyond the initial prototypes, we’ll be able to deliver test kits which pass the WHO guidelines for sensitivity and specificity”, said Steven Goh, CEO of Achiko AG. “We believe that as testing moves from point of care to point of need, the presence of the right testing technologies with the right consumer experience, available in large quantities and at the right price point, to customers at the right time, will contribute to successfully responding to and overcoming the impact of Covid-19 on society and do good in this world. That is what we’re here for.”


The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


About Achiko AG
We harness ground-breaking science with innovative technology to create solutions that provide a great user experience for patients, physicians and governing bodies alike, leading ultimately to the transformation of the healthcare industry.


The current development of our patent pending diagnostic testing kit for Covid-19 (Project Gumnuts) provides an easy and effective way that enables people to obtain the information they need and require. Complemented by our mobile check-in app (Teman Sehat), we empower users to manage their diagnostic experiences on their own terms, safeguard their privacy, share experiences, obtain passport verification and find community.


Achiko holds exclusive commercialisation rights to the technology underlying Project Gumnuts from Regenacellex.SL. It may be used to detect all types of Covid-19, but also many other pathogens. Achiko is looking forward to the completion of regulatory approval and getting the technology to market as quickly as possible, applying it in an array of test kits and other assay formats.


Headquartered in Zurich, we have offices in Hong Kong, Jakarta, Singapore and Seoul.