January Highlight — Stuart SEMPLE【Happy Cloud】

- আপডেট টাইম : ০১:১৫:৩০ অপরাহ্ন, বৃহস্পতিবার, ২১ জানুয়ারী ২০২১
- / ৩১৩ ৫০০০.০ বার পাঠক
somoyerkontha reporter।।
Jockey Club Pop-up Art Park kick-starts with “Happy Cloud” by “Happiness Hero” Stuart SEMPLE who comes from the United Kingdom. You can expect to see numerous giant bubbles shaped like a smiley face in the virtual park, which spread positive energy everywhere. Make a wish when you see one!
Happy Cloud is coming to the sky over Hong Kong Arts Centre / Wan Chai physically (for the first time in Hong Kong!) between 11 and 31 January 2021 (1pm-8pm). Do make a wish when you are lucky enough to see one.
Stuart SEMPLE will also engage in an online conversation with Hong Kong audience. He will express his views on art and creativity, and exchange experiences and stories with us in this intimate chit-chat.
January Highlight – Online Play Sessions: 【Bubble Magic】x Little Green Feet
Working the Bubble Magic together with Little Green Feet. Hopes and positive energy will be spread to everyone virtually in the eight online play sessions. Registered participants will receive a special material pack. No matter where you are, what your age is, or who you are with, one thing is certain: you will have fun!
Online Intimate Talk: 【Touring across the Virtual and the Reality】
Interacting with the four featured art pieces, dancer Rhyn CHEUNG uses his body to lead audience into a virtual-physical journey into the heart of Jockey Club Pop-up Art Park. He will also conduct an online session of mindfulness stretching exercises, demonstrating how we can live slower and build our own playground in our hearts.
IG Pop-up Challenges: New Instagram Filter Games to keep you entertained!
Jockey Club Pop-up Art Park brings the Park to social media and our everyday lives by introducing four Instagram filter challenges with the themes of the four featured art pieces, including “The YOUs and MEs”, “Dreams Come True Index”, “When I become US” and “Carry on”. Invite your friends to accept the challenges to get closer with them online-to-offline!
Online Roundtable Discussion — Full version of “Art Power in Mental Health”
In order to explore the relationship between arts and mental health, the four participating artists and six local respondents met and discussed online. The online Roundtable Discussion concluded successfully on 20 November 2020. By generously shared their creative motivation and hands-on experiences, they not only shed light on the interconnectedness of art and mental health but also extended room for imagination and creation.
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